Our People
Our People
The NZAO Council
The NZAO is governed by the Council made up of seven members elected by the membership. The Council has the overall responsibility of determining the strategic direction, policies and priorities for the Association.
The Rules of the New Zealand Association of Optometrists Inc underpin the governance of NZAO.
Current NZAO Council members
President: Hadyn Treanor
Vice-president: Renata Watene
Past-president: Callum Milburn
- Wilson Sue
- Dr Hans Vellara
- Inhae Park
- Sandhya Mathew
National Office
The NZAO is managed by an executive officer who supports the work of Council.
The national office is the gateway for members to access services and resources and the team provides support and assistance to NZAO members and the Council.
The team include:
- Executive Assistant: Becs Coenen
- Office Manager: Grant Firth
with Dr Lesley Frederikson as Clinical Services Director.
NZAO Branches
NZAO branches provide opportunities for members to get to know and network with other NZAO members in their local region. Members are listed as belonging to the Branch geographically closest to their mailing addresses.
Branch activity varies from area to area according to the level of interest of local members.
Each Branch governs itself.
For further information about membership of NZAO branches, contact the membership & communications coordinator.
New Zealand Association of Optometrists
PO Box 11093
Manners Street
04 473 2322