Our Rules and Code of Ethics
NZAO Rules
An incorporated society is required to have a constitution (set of rules) that establish its 'objects' (purpose), and how it will operate.
The NZAO Rules provides the legal framework and principles that guide and govern NZAO’s work.
Any activity carried out by an incorporated society must:
- be lawful
- be permitted by its own rules
- not make money for the benefit of individual members.
The NZAO Rules can be rescinded or amended by two-thirds majority of members present at an annual general meeting or any special general meeting.
NZAO Code of Conduct
The Code of Ethics is a guide to the professional conduct that may reasonably be expected of members of a profession. The principal concern of a profession is the welfare of the public and many of the clauses emphasise this attitude. This Code is published to inform present and intending members of the obligations that members of the New Zealand Association of Optometrists entails.
The NZAO has no statutory penal powers but in common with all incorporated bodies it can discipline its members. This process relies less upon penal measures than upon the loss of esteem among colleagues which necessarily accompanies the upholding of a just complaint.
To lay a complaint under these ethics is obviously a serious matter. If a breach of ethics appears to have occurred whether through ignorance or by intention, a personal approach should be made to the member concerned to seek their cooperation.
If this fails there is an obligation on behalf of other members to lay a formal complaint, in writing, with the executive officer of the NZAO.
A complaint may be laid by a member of the Association, a member of the public, or some other body.